KingLit CMS Multipurpose Laravel Website CMS with AI Chat & File Manager
- Author: DevEthio Team
- Support Email:
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KingLit - Multipurpose Laravel Business, education & any other Website CMS
CMS KingLit is a responsive, user-friendly and easy-to-use content management system (CMS) that is built with the popular Laravel Framework. Using this CMS, you can easily build a nice, modern and clean website that have almost all the pages like team member, about, Partner, Branch service, portfolio, news, shop, career, job, contact, FAQ, Senior Management, Board of Director etc. You can build education website, lawyer website, Financial Website, Consulting Website, gym and fitness website etc what you want to do.
This CMS is developed using the popular PHP framework Laravel. So, it can easily be customized by other programmers. Developers will be able to understand the source code easily and can modify the database and files if needed.
This script/CMS is strong against most vulnerabilities on the web like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF attack etc. Also admin level security is implemented whereever necessary.
Used Technologies
- Laravel
- Ajax
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Interactive Admin Panel
- Customer Panel
- Website Frontend
Core Features
This CMS script has the following features:
- Multi-Language
- Clean, Beautiful and Moder Admin Dashboard
- 100% Fully Dynamic Content
- Easy and simple interface to use
- Fully responsive for any kind of device
- Modern Design with Bootstrap
- Clean and understandable coding
- Secured coding against web vulnerabilities
- Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages
- Email Setting with SMTP Configuration
- Frontend & backing Dynamic Color managment
- AI Chat Bot
- Automatic telegram channel posting in the blog through telegram API
- Folder Management
- Media Manager
- Newsletters
- User Management
- Online Product Selling
- Product categories
- Offline (Bank) Payment Supported
- PayPal, Chapa and Stripe Integration
- Guest and Customer Checkout option
- Shipping Cost Management System
- Coupon Management System with Expiration and limitation
- Customer account creation and verification
- Customer forget password option
- Customer Panel Management
- Invoice Print by Customer
- Statistics of data in dashboard
- Home page sections show and hide features
- Newsletter section with email confirmation system for subscribers
- Email template management
- Unlimited news category and post management
- Unlimited news comment approval system
- Unlimited photo upload and management
- Unlimited video management with iframe code
- Unlimited dynamic page management
- Unlimited services management
- Unlimited Branch management With Google Location
- Unlimited Partner management
- Job categories
- Vacancy Posting & Job Application System
- Unlimited Senior management
- Unlimited Board Director management
- Unlimited Saving Product management
- Unlimited Loan Product management
- Unlimited FAQ management
- Unlimited Team member management
- Unlimited Product management
- Unlimited User Role Creation
- Unlimited User Creation and Assign Role
- Completed and Pending Order management
- Admin panel forget password option
- Automatic Databse Backup through admin dashboard
- Meta title and description setup for SEO purpose for each post, page and category
- SEO friendly URL structure
- Social media URL setup for top bar and footer
- Menu On/Off system added
- Google Recaptcha On/Off system added
- Google Analytic On/Off system added
- Tawk Live Chat On/Off system added
- Cookie Consent On/Off system added
- Newslatter pop up On/Off system added
- Preloader On/Off system added
- Perloader GIF Change system added
- Unlimited Counter creation
- We can call it All-in-one Modern Website
Need Support?
If you have any questions about the script, please create ticket on our Requirements
Following modules must be activated on your server: If you are not sure about how to configure these settings, please contact your hosting provider.
- Minimum PHP version 8.2 or greater.
- Laravel >= 11
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- FileInfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- ZIP PHP Extension
Upload Files
- Login to your cpanel
- e.g “”
- Click "File Manager"
- Go to the "public_html" folder
- Upload here the "" file which is in the downloaded file from “Codester”
- Go back to the "public_html" folder
- "Right click" on the Zip File, you will see some options there
- Now, Click on "Extract"
- Confirm Extract Files. The Zip File is now extracted successfully. You are all set to go to the next step
- Do not forget to delete "" file after successful extraction.
Video Tutorial
You can follow the video below to get a good overview.
Create Database
- Login to your cpanel
- e.g “”
- Type "MySQL" in the Search Box
- Select "MySQL Databases". A page will come
- Type database name in the input field and click "Create Database". A new page will come with successful notification
- Click Go Back
- Now create an user for the database. To create an user, scroll down to "MySQL Users" on the same page
- Insert Username & Password, Click Create User. A new page will come with successful notification. Click Go Back
- Now Add User to Database so that the user can use the database. Scroll down to "Add User to Database"
- Select the User & Database you just have created
- Click on "Add". A new page will come
- Click on "Make Changes"
- Click on Go Back
Video Tutorial
You can follow the video below to get a good overview.
Installation On Server
- Press Windows logo + R it comeup the above image then, type 'run' hit 'enter' or clik 'Ok'
- Then You will get this terminal and type nslookup press enter then you will get your domain IP address Note: Don't forget to replace with your real domain name
- Then Open Your .env you will get the root folder of the script
- Now you need to set Database Host, Database Name, Database Username, Database Password
- Database Host - Type your domain IP address here
- Database Port - your_port (e.g 3306) Most databases they use this default port
- Database Name - yourdomain_databasename
- Database Username - yourdomain_username
- Password - Type the password of the user you created from MySQL Database
- Click Save the configuration
- Save and that's all, use your system.
Installation on Localhost
Step 1 - Copy Files
- Create a folder in your local server, name it "KingLit" ( inside htdocs folder if you are using xampp )
- Copy and paste here the "" file which is in the downloaded file from “CodeCanyon”
- "Right click" on the Zip File
- "Extract here" the zip file
Step 2 - Create Database
- Start apache server
- Create a database in your local database, ( navigate to "localhost/phpmyadmin" if you are using xampp ).Then import the kinglit.sql file (you will get it in database folder) into your created database.
Open up the .env file of root with any text editor (for example: Notepad++).
In this .env file, you will get all the important configuration settings. You must have to edit those properly to work the script without any problem. Just change the mentioned values and the script will work without any problem.
- APP_NAME: This will be your application name. So give any related name here.
- DB_HOST: Enter your database host name here. Normally it becomes localhost.
- DB_PORT: Enter your database port number here. You can generally skip it to default.
- DB_DATABASE: Create a database in your host (localhost or webhost) and put name here
- DB_USERNAME: Username of the database you created
- DB_PASSWORD: Password of the database you created
- MAIL_MAILER: Default value is smtp. So you do not need to change it normally.
- MAIL_HOST: Put your smtp host name here
- MAIL_PORT: Put your smtp port here
- MAIL_USERNAME: Put your smtp username here
- MAIL_PASSWORD: Put your smtp password here
- MAIL_ENCRYPTION: Default value is tls. So you do not need to change it normally.
- MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: It will show on your email from where email has come. We recommend to use webmail address here.
- STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: Enter your stripe account public key here.
- STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: Enter your stripe account secret key here.
- CHAPA_SECRET_KEY: Enter your chapa account secret key here.
- CHAPA_PUBLIC_KEY: Enter your chapa account public key here.
- CHAPA_WEBHOOK_SECRET: Enter your chapa account webhook secret here.
- PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: Enter your paypal account client ID here. (In the payment settion section, we have shown how to get the client ID from PayPal account)
- PAYPAL_SECRET_KEY: Enter your paypal account secret key here. (In the payment settion section, we have shown how to get the client ID from PayPal account)
Step 3 - important configuration settings
- You need to set Database Host, Database Port, Database Name, Database Username, Database Password
- Database Host - Type “localhost”
- Database Port - your_port (e.g 3306)
- Database Name - databasename
- Database Username - username (default "root")
- Password - type your password ( keep password field blank if you didn't set any password )
- Click Save the configuration
Step 4 - Save and that's all, use your system
Admin Panel Login
In order to login to the admin panel, go to the url below:
Here "yourwebsite" is your main domain name. Just after your main url, you have to put "admin" and that's it.
Default Admin Login Credentials are:
Password: 12345678
Customer Login
In order to login to the customer panel, go to the url below:
Here "yourwebsite" is your main domain name. Just after your main url, you have to put "customer/login" and that's it.
Default Customer Login Credentials are:
Password: 12345678
Change Logo
- Login to the system as Admin
- Go to General Settings > general
- Update the field with your changes
- Click Save Changes
Dashboard Preview
Add New Language
- Go to your project root directory of kingLit
- Then, open config folder
- Then, select languages.php you will get as an array of four sample language with thire flag icon as you see on the image
- Add your language including flag icon using 'fi fi' and country code example 'et' ethiopia
- "Save Language"
Step 1 - Add language
Step 2 - language Translation
- Go to your project root directory of kingLit
- Then, open recources folder then, inside you will get 'lang' folder then open 'lang'
- Then, open en.json select all and make copy
- Then, create new json file with your country code
- Then past the copied en.json file into newly crated json file and make translate that is it.
- "Save Language"
Mail Configuration
- To rest admin and customer password and to send newslatter you should configure mail seeting
- Go to General settings > E-mail
- Fill the form with required data
- Click "Update"
Configure AI Settings
- Login to the system as Admin
- Go to General Settings >General
- Fill the form with required data
- Click "Save Configuration"
- Check how you can get OPEN AI api key - Check Here.
Configure Menu for frontend
- Note: if Menu status is 'show' it display on the frontend else the reverse
- Go to Module Manage
- Select from the menu status filed
- Click "Update"
Configure Payment Gatways
- Note: If you want to sell your product you should configuare at least one payment system
- Go to General settings > auto payment
- Fill the form
- Click "Update"
Click "Console". (If you don't have a Google Cloud account, create a new one)
Backup Database
- Click your profile
- Then, click Backup Database button
That is it.
Update History
You will get all the details about an update in this section:
Version 2.1
- Added Migration and Seeder - added product sub category - senior_management and senior_managemnts table removed due to duplication - fix adding new data to partner - fix adding new data to blog - fix language switching issue - Added Chat GPT On/Off System - Changing Total Menu to Total Customers in the addmin dashboard - Minimize and merge user profile drop-down options
Version 2.0
- From Laravel version 8 to 11, upgraded - From PHP 7.4 to 8.2, upgraded - Offline Payment approval added - Minor bug fix
Version 1.0
- Initial Release
Support Process (if support is on)
- First look at the navigation menu on the left side of the documentation. You will get all important topics here.
- Search the entire document pressing "ctrl+F", enter your query string and press "Search".
- If you still do not get the answer of your question, then contact us via TELEGRAM and always give your live URL when asking for help.
- When asking for help, please provide the details and also give some screenshots if possible.
Why we do not give support through comment section? Support Here.. or
- Do not ask for support in the comment section of the product. Because our the product account access is restricted and support team will not be able to reply. In that case, support will be delayed.
- It is tough to track the communication in this way.
- We think, it is not wise to show eveyone your website's URL and other sensitive information.
Support Hours and Time
We give reply to our support emails within 24-36 hours.
Advanced or Modification Support
If you request us help, which only needs us to write a couple lines of code, we will assist you in that. But if your query requires to write a lot of codes to be published, we can only provide you guidance and you need to hire a developer if you don't have that skills to implement it yourself.
If You Need Installation Support
We charge adational 15$ This can be done through TeamViewr Or AnyDisk